# config middleware
# Install and use
The config middleware is an independent middleware and needs to be installed and used separately
npm i sener-config
import { Static } from 'sener-config';
new Static();
# Basic usage
The config middleware is used to configure some server-side parameters, saved as a json file, and supports dynamic modification to take effect immediately.
import { Sener, Router } from 'sener';
import { Config } from 'sener-config';
const router = new Router({
'/demo': ({ config }) => {
console.log(config.level); // get level configuration
return { data: {success: true} };
new Sener({
middlewares: [router, new Config()],
# Construction parameters
The config middleware supports the following configurations:
type IConfigChange = (data: {
key: string, value: any, prev: any
}) => void;
interface IConfigOptions {
dir?: string, // The storage directory of the configuration file. The default is 'config', which is {Sener.Dir}/config
format?: boolean, // Whether to format the configuration file, the default is true
initial?: Record<string, Record<string, any>>, // Initial configuration data. The default value is {_default: {}}
onchange?: IConfigChange; // Callback function for configuration data changes
dir can be configured with a relative path, which means relative to Sener.Dir
, or an absolute path can be configured
# Initial configuration data
The initial configuration data is a piece of data, the element contains filename and data, indicating a configuration file, and multiple means that multiple configuration files need to be used
new Config({
//User configuration file, stored as user.json
user: {
showImage: true, // Configure whether to display the avatar
maxVisitors: 999, // Configure the maximum visible visitors
goods: { // Product configuration file, stored as goods.json
maxPrice: 9999,
// ...
- If the file in initial does not exist, the data will be created and written. If it exists, the data will be merged into the data in the original file. The merging rule is to only replace the undefined attribute in the original file without modifying it. Existing attributes, and will traverse the original data in depth.
- After all the data in the initial file is merged with the data in the original file (if it exists), all attributes will be merged into a map, which is the config object of SenerContext. config[key] can be read and set to the latest json file data
# Custom SenerContext
The config middleware has only one Context attribute, which is config
You can use attributes to get or assign values directly, or you can listen to configuration file changes through the $onchange method
const router = new Router({
'/demo': ({ config }) => {
console.log(config.level); // get level configuration
config.level = 3;
config. $onchange = (key, value, prev) => {
console.log(key, value, prev);
return { data: {success: true} };
The config-middleware object has the following APIs that can be used directly
# data
data is equivalent to SenerContext.config
const config = new Config();
config.data.level = 1;
# writeConfig
writeConfig is equivalent to config.data.xxx = xxx;
const config = new Config();
config.writeConfig('age', 1);
onConfigChange is equivalent to config.data.$onchange
const config = new Config();
# ts type declaration
If you want to declare the type of config data, you can use the following code to extend it:
declare module 'sener-extend' {
interface IConfigData {
level: number,
age: number,