# env middleware
The env middleware is used to inject some environment variables during the request process. The environment variables can be constants or values calculated according to the context.
# Basic usage
import {Sener, Env, Router} from 'sener';
const router = new Router({
'/demo': ({ env }) => {
return {};
const env = {
uid({ cookie }) {
return cookie. get('COOKIE');
token: 'xxxxxx'
new Sener({
middlewares: [router, new Env(env)],
The value of env can be of any type. When it is a function, it accepts an ISenerContext parameter, and the value will be calculated every request hook, so it can be used as an attribute.
# ts type declaration
import {Sener, Env, Router, ISenerContext, IEnvMap} from 'sener';
const router = new Router({
'/demo': ({ env }) => {
return {};
const env = {
uid ({ cookie }: ISenerContext) {
return cookie. get('COOKIE');
token: 'xxxxxx'
declare module 'sener-extend' {
interface ISenerEnv extends IEnvMap<typeof env> {}
new Sener({
middlewares: [router, new Env(env)],