# 0.0.17
- Routes support multiplexing of prefixes
- Routes support fuzzy queries
- The cookie supports the default clientDomain
- MongoDB Middleware Encapsulates COL basic operations
- SQL middleware encapsulates basic operations on tables and SQL statements
- Optimize body parsing
- Other optimizations and bugfixes
# 0.0.16
- fix module extend
# 0.0.15
- Add cookie, session, env, ip-monitor, validator middleware
- The mongodb middleware adds the col function
- bug fixes
- Adjust the hook logic
- Optimization statement
# 0.0.14
- static middleware
# 0.0.13
bug fixes rpc middleware
# 0.0.12
Add MySQL and Mongo middleware
# 0.0.11
- Add form, log, config middleware
- Middleware uses an onion model
- bug fixes
# 0.0.9-0.0.10
- Code optimization
- Better generic support
# 0.0.6-0.0.8
bug fixes
# 0.0.5
Optimize middleware logic Add static middleware
# 0.0.4
Add JSON middleware
# 0.0.1 - 0.0.3
Original version