# 0.0.17

  1. Routes support multiplexing of prefixes
  2. Routes support fuzzy queries
  3. The cookie supports the default clientDomain
  4. MongoDB Middleware Encapsulates COL basic operations
  5. SQL middleware encapsulates basic operations on tables and SQL statements
  6. Optimize body parsing
  7. Other optimizations and bugfixes

# 0.0.16

  1. fix module extend

# 0.0.15

  1. Add cookie, session, env, ip-monitor, validator middleware
  2. The mongodb middleware adds the col function
  3. bug fixes
  4. Adjust the hook logic
  5. Optimization statement

# 0.0.14

  1. static middleware

# 0.0.13

bug fixes rpc middleware

# 0.0.12

Add MySQL and Mongo middleware

# 0.0.11

  1. Add form, log, config middleware
  2. Middleware uses an onion model
  3. bug fixes

# 0.0.9-0.0.10

  1. Code optimization
  2. Better generic support

# 0.0.6-0.0.8

bug fixes

# 0.0.5

Optimize middleware logic Add static middleware

# 0.0.4

Add JSON middleware

# 0.0.1 - 0.0.3

Original version

Document update time: 5/29/2024, 12:08:46 AM