# Introduction

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# 1 Introduction

Sener is a simple, efficient, powerful, and highly scalable nodejs web server framework The core of Sener is a simple http server. With built-in request and response parsing and a highly flexible middleware system, developers can develop feature-rich and powerful web applications based on Sener.

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# 2. Features

  1. Simple and efficient architecture, fully written in TS, highly friendly TS declaration support
  2. Supports a highly customized and highly scalable middleware system, using the onion model and rich routing hooks

# 3. Middleware

Name Type Function Supported Version
router built-in simple and highly scalable routing rules 0.0.3
cookie built-in for cookie fetching and injection 0.0.15
session built-in for session acquisition and injection [depends on cookie] 0.0.15
cors built-in support for cross-origin requests 0.0.3
env built-in for injecting and using environment variables 0.0.15
ip-monitor built-in used for risk control interception of request ip 0.0.15
validator built-in supports validating input parameters and parameter type definitions 0.0.15
json standalone support json files for data storage 0.0.4
static standalone support static file directory 0.0.14
form Standalone Support formdata parsing and file upload 0.0.11
config independent supports highly flexible parameter configuration and dynamic change and monitoring 0.0.11
log Independent Support flexible log system, support log level control 0.0.11
mysql standalone support mysql connection 0.0.12
mongodb standalone support mongodb connection, collocation encapsulation 0.0.12
rpc stand-alone remote call support, support client and server use, support x-trace-id injection request 0.0.13

The built-in middleware is the middleware that comes with the sener package, but it needs to be manually introduced when using it

To use the independent middle, you need to install the corresponding independent package

# 4. Basic use

import { Sener, Router } from 'sener';
const router = new Router({
     '/demo': ({ query }) => {
         // or: 'get:/demo': ({ query }) => { // get: prefix can be ignored
         query.message = 'from get';
         return { data: query };
         // Custom headers or statusCode
         // return { data: query, headers: {}, statusCode: 200 };
     'post:/demo': async ({ body }) => {
         body. message = 'from post'
         return { data: body };

new Sener({
   port: 9000,
   middlewares: [router],

If it is used directly by nodejs, please use the cjs specification reference

const { Sener, Router } = require('sener');

The esm specification is used in the following documents, and the default port is 9000. If you need cjs, please modify it yourself

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Document update time: 5/29/2024, 12:08:46 AM