# static middleware

# Install and use

The static middleware is an independent middleware and needs to be installed and used separately

npm i sener-static
import { Static } from 'sener-static';
new Static();

# Basic usage

The static middleware is used to establish static resource services and is used as follows:

import { Sener } from 'sener';
import { Static } from 'sener-static';
new Sener({
     middlewares: [new Static()],

The above code will be in the public folder of the execution directory as the static resource root directory

For example: visit localhost:9000/image.jpg to access the ./public/image.jpg file

# Construction parameters

static middleware supports the following configurations:

interface IJsonOptions {
     dir?: string, // dir is used to set the directory of static resources, the default is 'public'

dir can be configured with a relative path, which means relative to process.cwd(), or an absolute path can be configured

Document update time: 5/26/2023, 8:01:12 AM