# validator middleware
The validator middleware is used to check and convert query and body data. In ts, the data type can also be declared
# vquery & vbody
validator provides two tool methods, vbody and vquery, which can be obtained in context.
The type declaration is as follows:
type IValidTemplate = {
[prop in string]: IValidFormat | [IValidFormat, IValidRule];
type IValidFunc = <
D extends IValidTemplate = IValidTemplate
>(template: D) => ({
[prop in keyof D]: IFormatMap[(D[prop] extends string ? D[prop]: D[prop][0])];
} & {
[prop in string]: any;
interface IValidatorHelper {
vquery: IValidFunc;
vbody: IValidFunc;
vquery and vbody are used to obtain the query and body after the checksum conversion
# Basic usage
Take vquery as an example:
import { Sener, Router } from 'sener';
const router = new Router({
'/demo': ({ vquery }) => {
const query = vquery({
nickname: ['string', 'required'],
age: [ 'number', 'required' ],
weight: 'number',
return { data: query };
new Sener({
middlewares: [router],
The vquery function accepts a template whose keys are the attributes required in the query
Values can be passed in format type (IValidFormat) and validation rule (IValidRule)
type IValidFormat = 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'any';
type IValidRule = 'required' | 'optional' | RegExp | ((v: any, formatValue: any) => boolean);
When the value is an array, the first digit will be parsed as the format type, and the second digit will be parsed as the inspection rule
When the value is a string, it will be parsed as a format type, and the validation rule is the default value optional
# Regex and function validation
IValidRule supports regular expressions and functions. When it is functional, the first parameter is the original value, and the second is the formatted value
nickname: [ 'string', /[a-z]{8}/i ],
age: [ 'number', (v, fv)=>fv >= 18 ],
weight: 'number',
When the verification fails, a 404 response will be returned, which can be intercepted by Sener's onerror parameter
When using ts, the returned query and body will get friendly type support according to the template